Alaska CourtBot

A free service that will send you a text message reminder the day before your court hearing.

How it works:

Just text your case or ticket number to:
We will attempt to send you a reminder the evening before your court hearing. Case numbers are 14 characters long like: 1KE-19-01234MO. Ticket numbers can be 8 to 17 characters long, for example: KETEEP000123456.

Curious how it works? Try it out in demo mode:

Text: testcase
To: 907-312-2700

Frequently asked questions

How do I turn off all notifications?
Reply to the message with "stop" and we will stop sending you notifications.

How do I turn off notifications for an individual case or ticket?
Text in the case or ticket number you are currently following to 1-907-312-2700 and the service will reply with the option to reply "DELETE" to stop notifications for that case or ticket.

Do I still need to verify my court date?
Yes! Court dates change frequently, so you should always verify the date and time of your hearing by visiting the Alaska State Court System.

Who maintains Alaska CourtBot
Alaska CourtBot is maintained by volunteers at Code for Anchorage, a brigade of Code for America. If you would like to be involved with this or similar projects, please visit: Code for Anchorage.